emblaegh 4 days ago | next |

If you really want to learn another language specifically instead of something else, then getting well acquainted with bash and awk wouldn’t be wasted effort.

skydhash 4 days ago | root | parent |

Especially awk, it's a DSL for quick text manipulation. Simpler than Perl and a better API than Python for that specific use case. It's essentially a filter that applies to a specific region identified by a regex.

pabs3 4 days ago | prev | next |

Rust is the trendy language.

Otherwise learn the Bootstrappable Builds stack from the bottom up; commented hex of machine code, that with short labels and offsets, that with long labels and label addressing, simple assembly, a subset of C, larger subset of C including a preprocessor, various larger C subsets, make, sed, parser generators, bash and so on.

https://bootstrappable.org/ https://lwn.net/Articles/983340/ https://github.com/fosslinux/live-bootstrap/blob/master/part...

softwaredoug 4 days ago | prev | next |

Do you feel comfortable with array based programming and using tensors? Even though it’s still python, really understanding numpy and torch, are basically learning new programming paradigms. And very relevant to DS/ML

ecesena 4 days ago | prev | next |

JS/TS could be useful if you plan to do any front end work, even just for small demos of your DS/ML work.